Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today I made a test: I printed 5 sets of 3 different bird cards on a cream 100% recycled paper. I think they look great! Unfortunately it's already 8 PM so the picture is a quite bad one, I promise to take better ones soon so I can show you the cards properly!
Now, I need your opinion, anyone who never commented on this blog: now is the moment to do it and tell me what you would like to see in my Etsy shop!! I need you 49 followers and everybody else who reads this blog "secretly" (haha...) to write!
YES, this is a shop opening announcement, it won't happen tomorrow but pretty soon(...I hope!!)
So, feel free to tell me anything you would want to see in the shop: prints, cards, notebooks, teatowels, cushions... anything! I don't know exactly yet if everything will be possible but I will try to do my very best! (If anyone knows a good textile printer...!!!) I would also love to hear from you which patterns/designs of mines you like best... which styles/colours...?
So, use your keyboards, I'm waiting for your answers! :)
Have a lovely afternoon/evening! 

ps: click on image to see it a bit bigger


Anonymous said...

Hi Lara, I especially like your floral designs and the sausage dog design. I would like to see you make shopping bags and cushion covers and prints on stretched canvas. I would also like to see the flowers with faces made into little dolls. That should keep you busy for a bit, Kate x

Bekah Jones said...

Cards and stationary are enormously popular on Etsy, and you know I love textiles, but I'm especially fond of notebooks/notepads myself, since I don't generally send many cards.

There are also a ton of different types of paper goods: folders, envelopes, boxes, bracelets (yes, they can be made out of paper), pendants, pinback buttons, etc. I could probably keep going, but I'll stop now. : )

Hannah Pearson said...

My favourites are Edward bird and the sausage dogs, oh and rosebud. I think cushions, tea towels and maybe fabric for people to make their own things with. Cards and notebooks are always good. Have fun. Hannah

Anonymous said...

How about the edward bird pattern on a lovely v-neck summer dress? Just my imagination..Hehehe..I love summer dresses..and the shade of blue is just right for a summer dress. :D

Emily Harris said...

I think your work is perfect for cards and stationary-Fun!

I love your bird pattern too, by the way!

Unknown said...

I love all the birds- Edward and all his friends. They would be great on fabric made into cushions, skirts, curtains. Love love love

Molly said...

Hi - I love it when people sell downloadable PDFs on Etsy with designs for notecards, tags, calendars, etc. You supply the design and layout, and we supply the paper and printer. I love printing out a bunch of things and giving them to my friends.

I really like your people illustrations - especially the more vintage looking people. I also love the valentine's day design you did with the sweet mailboxes (and the colors on that were so great).

I'm new to the blog - saw you on Print and Pattern. Your designs are really lovely, and I'd love to see you on Etsy.

Nini A said...

Lara! I think your art would look great on stationary: notepads, pens and agendas that I'd love to have on my desktop when I become a professional translator :)
Or... have you thought of dinner sets? I think that'd be a lot of fun!

And I don't know if you already made it but please make a keys design! I'd love to see that one :)