It's been 3 days that I'm back in Paris but I still can imagine the sound & smell of the sea and all the bright colors that made my holiday unique and amazingly relaxing! It was all about laying on the beach, getting tanned and having no internet, no cell phone and nearly no shoes at all! hhhhmmmm... great!
Now to another very exciting news: I am moving to Lecce, Italy for 8 months!... wow, I still can hardly believe it myself... I'm going with my boyfriend who will be working there... we only got the news 2 weeks ago so everything is kind of hectic right now, getting everything ready, packing, trying not to forget anything...! we're leaving at the end of this week and then we will have to settle down there... so I might not be able to write around here for several days...
... but until I'm back blogging again, I will leave you to my holiday's pictures, enjoy! :)
ps: click on the image to see it bigger!